Last week the Toronto and East York Community Council (TEYCC) voted to implement the Changing Lanes policy. This is an amazing step forward, and we are thrilled with the outcome.
After last month’s deferral at the TEYCC, the Changing Lanes policy has been revamped to address Council’s concerns.
In general, the TEYCC asked staff to reconsider and improve points on; affordability, tree and greenspace protection, stricter zoning requirements, and a general review of all comments submitted by citizens.
We are pleased to say that the report has been strengthened by this extra time to make sure the details are improved. Here is a view of the final framework:
On May 2nd, Toronto and East York Community Council heard item TE32.11 – the “Changing Lanes” proposal seeking to allow laneway suites in Toronto, as-of-right.
Lanescape was thrilled with the amount of public engagement received for this meeting (as we have been over the last three years with all public events). Nearly 200 letters were written to Councillors, dozens of people attended the meeting, and 14 speakers addressed the Council.
- 189 letters submitted to council – 4 opposed, 185 others in support and/or asking for more aggressive approvals
- 14 deputations – 3 noting they supported laneway housing but asked for revisions, 11 in support and/or asking for more aggressive approvals
- Staff presentation in support of the proposal
In spite of the overwhelming support, only 4 of the 12 TEYCC councillors voted to pass the proposal. Those Councillors were Mary-Margaret McMahon (32), Ana Bailao (18), Lucy Troisi (28), and Gord Perks (14). Each of those councillors were well-informed, knowledgeable about the proposal, and made impassioned arguments to move this initiative forward.
The Final Countdown
One week from today, the Toronto and East York Community Council will vote on our initiative. FINALLY!
After 3 years of work, we are potentially days away from being able to build laneway houses as-of-right in the City of Toronto.
The Lanescape team started this advocacy effort in 2015. We have been very lucky to work with truly dedicated and ambitious partners. Councillor Mary-Margaret McMahon and Councillor Ana Bailao believed in this vision from the beginning, and have exemplified what it means to be a civic leader. Evergreen provided insight and facilitated public outreach that was genuinely groundbreaking, and have given voices to Torontonians who want to see positive change in their neighbourhoods.
Making Laneway Housing a Reality in Toronto
Lanescape has been working very hard over the past year to make laneway suites a reality in Toronto. With the help of our partners at evergreen, we held a series of public consultations with residents of neighbourhoods across the city to hear your thoughts on how we could work best to craft a Toronto based approach to integrating laneway suites into the fabric of much loved neighbourhoods. We also received thousands of responses to our online survey, and spoke directly to hundreds more.